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30 July 2009

15 Ways To Keep Your Speaking Inspiring and Creative

When stressed or blocked it is wise to make a change so that we don't stay in that place. Yet, many times we forget some of the simple things that we can do for ourselves, quickly and easily to bring our inspiration back and increase our creativity.
1. If you usually type your speech first , hand write them.Nothing compares to seeing the ink mesh into the paper and display what you created.
2. If you spend too much time at the computer , take a break every hour. Go for a walk or just sit outside in the sun.Even five minutes in a winter sun does wonders for a mood and creativity.
3. Flip through magazines or books. Their colors and ideas will give you sparks and switch your attitude. Blue and green can reduce your stress levels by 30% or more.
4. Add strong smells to the room. Light scented candles around you, visit the fruit isle at the grocery store, or go to a store that is heavily scented. Find an orange or strawberries and smell it. Both will change a mood or create inspiration. Smells awaken your creativity. Smell strigger memories and are a great method to rekindle stories from the past.
5. Go see or rent an inspirational movie . Relaxation time is important. Watch the movie with a notebook and record inspiring phases or ideas that pop in.
6. Read a book on the topic that stirs and sparks your creativity. Poetry can do the same.
7. Look at bold and bright colors for a few minutes. These change your mood.
8. Talk with a friend about your topic to flesh out ideas,titles, and content. Tape-record the conversation so you don't miss anything. You would be surprised at how much we think we hear and how we actually do.
9. Write an email to a friend to tell him or her what you want to accomplish. If you are stuck, say so and ask for help.
10. Check in with your vibrational energy and do something to switch it into high gear. Take a shower. Go for a walk or dance naked in the moonlight.
11. Hire someone to transcribe your recording so that you can stay focused on the creative end of the speaking.
12. Authentic, flat-out, raw laughter frees the psyche and opens the creativity process.
13. Find a setting with lots of trees and flowers and feel nature. If the weather permits, take off your shoes and socks and feel the grass between your toes. Nature has away of freeing our spirit to let the flow out of our best material.
14. If you are used to practicing your speak in a quiet place, create noise and practice. You will learn to speak with distractions.
15. Go for a quiet leisurely drive and practice your vowel soutlook expand your voice range.Read more articles :

Adobe Flash Flaw Exploited in Web Sites, Researcher Warns

A vulnerability that Adobe has confirmed to exist in a number of its Reader,Flash Player, and Acrobat products is being exploited through malicious Flash code in Web pages, according to one researcher.

[As reported previously, the vulnerability is also being exploited via a malicious PDF file attack that can potentially crash Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems and according to Adobe, "potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system."]

Artwork: Chip Taylor
However, there is also another way the Adobe Flash vulnerability is being exploited, according to Paul Royal, principal researcher at Purewire, says the Adobe Flash vulnerability is being exploited through Web pages with the Flash exploit embedded in them as multimedia.

Royal described this form of attack as including "a Flash movie of one-frame length. This malicious Flash file is being embedded in Web pages, sometimes of legitimate Web sites that are compromised."Purewire's research indicates this malicious Flash movie file is just different enoughfrom the PDF file exploit that it isn't being detected by many anti-malware software packages yet.

But Royal adds that just last week more anti-malware vendors have worked to update their software to detect the malicious PDF file exploit, generally sent as an e-mail spam attachment. The malicious PDF file appears to be used mostly in targeted attacks against specific corporations.

In its advisory, which is being updated as needed, Adobe states "A critical vulnerability exists in the current versions of Flash Player (v9.0159.0 and v.10.022.87) for Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems, and the authplay.dll component that ships with Adobe Reader and Acrobat v.9x for Windows, Macintosh and Unix operating systems. This vulnerability could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system."

Adobe, which says it is in contact with several antivirus and security firms concerning the Flash vulnerability, states it intends to provides fixes for most of the affected products by the end of the month.

The underlying vulnerability has been known to exist as a "bug" since December, but probably first began to be "weaponized" around July 9, says Royal. Flash exploits could have started prior to that, he adds.

24 July 2009

Asia Saksi Gerhana Matahari

22 Julai - Gerhana matahari paling lama pada abad ke-21 menjerumuskan berjuta-juta penduduk di serata Asia ke dalam kegelapan sementara hari ini, mencetuskan suasana keagamaan, ketakutan dan keseronokan di seluruh India dan China.

Peluang yang datang sekali seumur hidup itu dipercayai menjadi gerhana yang disaksikan paling banyak orang dalam sejarah disebabkan laluannya yang meliputi kawasan paling padat dengan penduduk di muka bumi.

Namun peluang itu dibiarkan berlalu oleh berjuta-juta lagi yang berkurung di dalam rumah kerana mempercayai fenomena tersebut membawa petanda buruk.

Seorang wanita terbunuh dalam kejadian rempuhan di kota suci Hindu, Varanasi di mana puluhan ribu penganut agama itu berhimpun di tebing Sungai Gangga sejak subuh lagi.

Polis berkata, wanita berusia 80 tahun itu pitam semasa pengunjung berasak-asak untuk memasuki sebuah kuil dekat tebing sungai tersebut, kemudian meninggal dunia akibat sesak nafas.

Kejadian itu mencetuskan panik yang turut menyebabkan lebih 20 orang lain cedera.

Gerhana matahari penuh selalunya berlaku setiap 18 bulan tetapi gerhana hari ini istimewa kerana tempoh kegelapan 'menyeluruh' yang maksimum selama enam minit dan 39 saat apabila matahari dilindungi seluruhnya oleh bulan.

Tempoh gerhana penuh selama itu hanya akan berulang pada 2132.

Stesen rasmi China Central Television membuat liputan secara langsung tentang peristiwa yang dipaparkannya sebagai 'Gerhana Matahari Sungai Yangtze' kerana laluan fenomena itu meliputi lembangan saliran sungai tersebut.

Berjuta-juta penduduk di beberapa kawasan di barat daya China berpeluang menyaksikan fenomena itu dengan jelas, tetapi pemandangan di sebahagian besar laluannya terjejas disebabkan awan mendung.

Penduduk di Shanghai tidak mempedulikan hujan dan cuaca mendung untuk menyaksikan gerhana itu apabila kegelapan mula menyelubungi pusat perdagangan China tersebut pada 9.36 pagi (waktu sama di Malaysia).

"Sekarang waktu kerja, tetapi kami tidak mahu melepaskan peluang untuk menyaksikan pemandangan yang begitu menakjubkan. Pengalaman ini sungguh menyeronokkan," kata seorang pekerja di Shanghai, Allen Chen yang keluar ke jalan raya untuk menyaksikan peristiwa itu.

Mereka yang mampu membeli tiket mahal untuk menaiki pesawat sewa khas yang disediakan oleh agensi pelancongan untuk membawa mereka menyaksikan gerhana tersebut bagi tempoh yang lebih lama dengan mengejar bayangnya menghala ke timur.

Bayang atau umbra yang dihasilkan oleh gerhana penuh itu mula kelihatan di negeri Gujarat, barat India sejurus sebelum 6.30 pagi ini (9 pagi waktu Malaysia.

Ia kemudian merentasi India dan meliputi kawasan di antara Bangladesh dan Nepal sebelum menyelubungi sebahagian besar Bhutan, merentasi tanah besar China dan menghala ke laut dekat Shanghai.

Dari sana ia bergerak merentasi pulau-pulau dekat selatan Jepun sebelum membelok ke barat Pasifik.


Gerhana matahari paling lama

KUALA LUMPUR 22 Julai - Malaysia menerima tempias bayangan gerhana matahari separa hari ini bermula pukul 8.23 pagi meskipun fenomena gerhana matahari penuh yang terpanjang pada abad ini dapat disaksikan di China.

Ketua Unit Penyelidikan Sains Angkasa (UPSA) Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA), Mhd Fairos Asillam berkata, fenomena kali ini mencapai masa terpanjang maksimum iaitu 6 minit 39 saat berbanding satu hingga dua setengah minit sebelum ini.

Walaupun begitu, jelas beliau, gerhana matahari separa di Malaysia sukar untuk dicerap dengan mata kasar kerana hanya lebih kurang 17.8 peratus kawasan permukaan matahari ditutupi bulan semasa fenomena gerhana tersebut berlaku.

Tambahnya, kawasan utara Semenanjung seperti Perlis merupakan kawasan terbaik untuk mencerap gerhana matahari separa.

"Sebaliknya di Kuala Lumpur, hanya lapan peratus permukaan matahari dilitupi bulan dan ini dapat dilihat menggunakan cermin mata pelindung sinaran ultralembayung (UV) atau teleskop yang dilengkapi penuras suria.

"Ini disebabkan laluan gerhana matahari bukannya melalui negara kita secara tepat selain kedudukan matahari yang sangat hampir di ufuk," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.

Mhd Fairos menjelaskan, bayangan bulan mula memasuki laluannya di Gujerat, India seterusnya ke Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, China dan Pulau Ryukyu di Jepun sebelum berakhir melalui Lautan Pasifik.

Beliau berkata, cuaca dan litupan awan di China yang lebih baik serta laluan gerhana yang merentasi beberapa bandar berpopulasi tinggi seperti Shanghai dan Hangzhou, membolehkan penduduknya menyaksikan planet Merkuri dan Zuhrah sekiranya gerhana penuh berlaku di sana.

Katanya, kejadian gerhana penuh yang panjang itu juga menarik minat para saintis untuk menjalankan pelbagai eksperimen melibatkan pengaruh tekanan graviti dan beberapa tindak balas terhadap tumbuhan dan haiwan di bumi.

Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata, ANGKASA telah menghantar tiga pegawainya untuk membuat penyelidikan, pengambilan data dan imej gerhana di Jinshan, Shanghai, China.

Ekspedisi Gerhana di beberapa kawasan di China turut disertai oleh lebih 50 penyelidik dari Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Persatuan Falak Syarie Malaysia, Stargazer Scientific dan Falak Online.

Selain itu, beliau berkata, penduduk Malaysia dijangkakan dapat menyaksikan gerhana matahari separa sekali lagi pada 15 Januari 2010, 9 Mac 2016 dan 26 Disember 2019.

"Pada tahun 2032, gerhana matahari separa dijangka berlaku untuk tempoh yang lebih panjang berbanding hari ini sementara gerhana matahari penuh dapat disaksikan pada tahun 2042," katanya.

Di Malaysia, gerhana matahari penuh pernah disaksikan di Kudat, Sabah pada tahun 1995 disusuli gerhana matahari cincin di Mersing, Johor pada tahun 1998.


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17 July 2009

An Incredible Love Story

An incredible love story has come out of China recently and managed to touch the world.
It is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love each other in peace for over half a century.


The 70-year-old Chinese man who hand-carved over 6,000 stairs up a mountain for his 80-year-old wife has passed away in the cave which has been the couple's home for the last 50 years.

Over 50 years ago, Liu Guojiang a 19 year-old boy, fell in love with a 29 year-old widowed mother named Xu Chaoqin..

In a twist worthy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, friends and relatives criticized the relationship because of the age difference and the fact that Xu already had children.

At that time, it was unacceptable and immoral for a young man to love an older woman.. To avoid the market gossip and the scorn of their communities, the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in Southern ChongQing Municipality.

In the beginning, life was harsh as hey had nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene lamp that they used to light up their lives.

Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, 'Are you regretful? Liu always replied, 'As long as we are industrious, life will improve.'

In the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.

Half a century later in 2001, a group of adventurers were exploring the forest and were surprised to find the elderly couple and the over 6,000 hand-carved steps. Liu MingSheng, one of their seven children said, 'My parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and never been apart a single day. He hand carved more than 6,000 steps over the years for my mother's convenience, although she doesn't go down the mountain that much.'


The couple had lived in peace for over 50 years until last week. Liu, now 72 years, returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms. So in love with Xu, was Liu, that no one was able to release the grip he had on his wife's hand even after he had passed away.


'You promised me you'll take care of me, you'll always be with me until the day I died, now you left before me, how am I going to live without you?'

Xu spent days softly repeating this sentence and touching her husband's black coffin with tears rolling down her cheeks.

In 2006, their story became one of the top 10 love stories from China , collected by the Chinese Women Weekly. The local government has decided to preserve the love ladder and the place they lived as a museum, so this love story can live forever.


08 July 2009

Memorial Bagi Penyanyi Michael Jackson

Below are several of the biggest moments from Michael Jackson's memorial. Some are light-hearted, some are heart-breaking, but all are memorable.

Brooke Shields, a very good friend of Jackson's, shared some of her favorite memories. Ms. Shields choked up a bit at the end of her speech, giving a voice to many in the audience and at home who must have felt the same way.

The Reverend Al Sharpton credited Jackson with demolishing racial barriers. Sharpton also called on fans to not focus on the scars of Jackson's career, but to focus on the journey. To Jackson's kids he said: "There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy."

Magic Johnson's humorous story about how he was shocked to discover that a huge star like Michael Jackson enjoyed Kentucky Fried Chicken gave fans an insider's glimpse into an unknowable icon.

With all the star-power in the room, it was less expected that a 12-year-old from the U.K. would make a huge impression at the memorial, but Shaheen Jafargholi's performance of the Jackson 5's "Who's Loving You" inspired a raucous round of applause.

Jennifer Hudson is no stranger to tragedy. Perhaps that's why her performance of "Will You Be There" came across as one of the memorial's most special moments.

Michael's brother Jermaine Jackson performed MJ's favorite song: "Smile." The lyrics were especially poignant: "Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile."

Perhaps the most touching moment came at the very end of the memorial when Michael's daughter, Paris, expressed her love for her late father.
