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28 December 2007

Akaun email GMail yang digodam dan domain yang ditukar

Sesiapa yang ada email GMail pastikan di bahagian 'settings' dan kemudian --> di bahagian 'Filters' dan 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tidak terdapat sebarang penambahan yang tidak anda pernah lakukan. Jika tidak terjadi seperti pengguna di bawah ini yang domainnya telah dihijack.

Jika terdapat sebarang perubahan sila pastikan anda menukar semua password atau apa sahaja dokumen penting yang perlu dilakukan. Walau bagaimanapun masalah ini telah dibaiki oleh pihak Google. Cuma pastikan email anda telah betul-betul bebas.


Gmail Hacked! Check your Gmail filters now!

David Airey has lost his domain after his Gmail account was hacked by a hacker. But how did the criminal can take down David’s domain? You can read the full story here but if you want to know how the attacker did it, please read on.

First, the victim login to his Gmail account as normal. Then he visit to a website which contains a script that exploiting the vulnerability in Gmail. This script will create a new filter in the victim’s email. Like in the example above, the script creates a filter that will forward any email that has attachment to
But how about if the filter is set to forward all incoming emails to the attacker email? Do you will happy losing all your secret and passwords to the attacker? Of course you are not.
I have checked my filter settings in Gmail. Know what? There is a filter that forward incoming emails to * I was shocked and removed it immediately. I do not know since when the filter was added and how many emails the guy at had read. I hope they are happy what they are doing.
If you using Gmail, check your Gmail filters now. Who knows, maybe you are lucky and get strange filters in your Gmail settings. However, Google has fixed this problem but you are still be advised to check your filter settings.

WARNING: Google’s GMail security failure leaves my business sabotaged

GMail hacked
What would you do if a criminal stole something very personal, and very valuable from you?
What if they were able to target your business and criple your income?
You wouldn’t be too happy now, would you?
What if you also discovered that this was happening because of a Google security infection that can affect every GMail user on the planet?
That’s what has just happened to me, and here I’m going to tell you my story. I will detail everything I know about the web pirates who are threatening my livelihood, and tell you what you need to know in order to avoid the same thing happening to you.
On November 20th 2007 I left the UK to spend a month’s holiday in India. I’d been planning this break for over a year, and was looking forward to taking my girlfriend away on our first foreign trip together. Prior to leaving, I published a blog post to let my readers know I’d be away for a while, and that my blog would be a quiet place in my absence.
All my clients were informed, bills paid, loose ends tied up, and off I went on a new adventure.
I arrived in Mumbai on November 21st, and on the journey from the airport to the Colaba district, was punched in the face by an Indian youth, but that’s another story.

During the month ahead, I knew I’d be irregularly checking my emails, but only to let my loved ones know everything was fine. This holiday was to be a break from work, and a break from computers.
Indeed everything was fine for a few weeks, until December 15th (five days before I was due to return from holiday). I called into an internet caf� in Goa, and read some worrying emails from good friends of mine. I was informed that my website had disappeared, and that my domain name ( was now redirecting to some random website -
I was confused, and anxious. How could this happen? I hadn’t received any notification of my domain name expiry, and I never divulge any passwords to anyone. The only possible explanation for me was that somehow, the domain name had expired without me receiving any notice, and that some domain poacher had snapped it up before I got a chance to renew.
My website had been pulling in over 2,000 unique daily visits. Not a massive amount by any stretch of the imagination, but for a one-man operation, 700,000+ annual visitors can generate a nice amount of new logo design business.
So I ran a WHOIS check on, hoping to find an email address for the new owner. The search yielded this email address: and here’s the email I sent:
Please can I purchase my old domain name from you. It seems it expired without my knowledge.
Kind regards,
I found it hard to believe that I’d let my domain name expire, but thought it a good idea to send an email nonetheless.
On the very same day, I received a reply. It came from one supposed Peyam Irvani, telling me the following:
Please send me your high offer !
By this stage, I’d already had some back and forth email discussions with close friends, wondering what exactly could have happened. I also contacted my web host company, ICDSoft, asking them to help. They were the ones who sold me the domain name after all. Shouldn’t they have informed me?
This is when I found a disturbing support ticket, posted in my web host support panel. It was supposedly from me, addressed to ICDSoft’s support team, and was created on November 20th, the exact date of my departure from the UK. It read the following:
Subject: Transfer
I want to transfer to another registrar please unlock it and send me the EPP transfer code.
Kind regards,
Within just one minute (ICDSoft’s support team are very fast) the following response had been supplied:
We unlocked your domain name as requested. Here is its EPP code:
Domain name:
Auth/EPP key: 6835892AE0087D66
Best Regards,
I immediately typed a reply to this ticket, asking for help, and wanting to know what I could do to resolve the situation. Here’s what I was told by the support team:
Unfortunately, the domain name has been transferred successfully, and it cannot be reverted. The current registrar may be able to give you more information.
The original ticket message was sent from this IP address:
The person who posted it must have had access to your email, too, because transfers have to be approved by the administrative contact in order to be successful.
What? Not only did the hacker gain access to my web host control panel, but they also squirmed their way into my email account? This is when I began to get very worried. I kept a lot of personal emails behind my username and password, and this was a real invasion of privacy. For a few minutes I sat in the net caf�, my girlfriend beside me, and I didn’t know what to think.
I sent an email to GoDaddy, where my domain had been illegally transferred to, and asked them to prevent any further transfers. I wanted the domain in one place whilst I investigated. Here’s what GoDaddy said:
Unfortunately if a transfer request is made and completed we will not be able to prevent this unless we receive the notice from a court or arbitration forum… I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Okay, so GoDaddy can’t help until the matter is taken to court.
This whole process ran over a few days of my holiday, as GoDaddy took over 48 hours to respond. At this point, and on December 19th (four days after my first email to the web pirate, ‘Peyam’), I thought I’d send a reply, and here’s what I said:
Hello Peyam,
Well, congrats on your hack. I’d love to know how you did it.
Before this moves through the courts, in order to settle the dispute, I don’t suppose you’d be so kind to give me my domain back? It’d really save me a lot of hassle, but if that’s what it takes, so be it.
I saw no point in being aggressive, wishing to keep them ‘on-side’ as much as possible.
Again, that same day, I received a response:
Im sorry to say but its not possible to have it or it take about 1 month if you try hard to have it again :)) and you lose your visitor ….hahaha
You can purchase it for 650 $ And we will use escrow sevices ;) that will done in less than 2 days !
Now my domain name was being held to ransom, and the hacker was taunting me. What I had spent more than a year building into a sound marketing plan had been severed at the knees.
I’m not the type of person who will hand any money over to a criminal, so I didn’t reply, instead focusing on stopping this hacker from stealing any more of my property.

How was I being hacked?

After a little research, I found this expos� into Google’s GMail defficiences: Google GMail E-mail Hijack Technique
It details the exact GMail hijack that I have just found applied to my account (right whilst writing this blog post).
Here’s an excerpt:
The victim visits a page while being logged into GMail. Upon execution, the page performs a multipart/form-data POST to one of the GMail interfaces and injects a filter into the victim�s filter list. In the example above, the attacker writes a filter, which simply looks for emails with attachments and forwards them to an email of their choice. This filter will automatically transfer all emails matching the rule. Keep in mind that future emails will be forwarded as well. The attack will remain present for as long as the victim has the filter within their filter list, even if the initial vulnerability, which was the cause of the injection, is fixed by Google.
And here’s a three step illustration of just how this threat works (click each image for a larger version):
GMail security threat
GMail security threat
GMail security threat
Images courtesy of GNUCITIZEN
I took a look at the ‘Filter’ option in my own GMail settings, and it turns out that you can easily set incoming emails containing specific words to be forwarded automatically. For example, if you want any emails containing the word password to be sent to another address, no problem. It also appears that the Filter can delete the email from your GMail inbox as soon as it has been forwarded, so you’d be none the wiser if a hacker was playing havoc with your incoming mail.
IMPORTANT: If you use GMail, it’s absolutely vital that you check your account settings now.
Here’s what to do:
When logged into GMail, click on the ’settings’ tab in the upper right of the screen. Then check both the ‘Filters’ and the ‘Forwarding and POP’ sections. This is what I only just found in my ‘Filters’ tab:
The following filters are applied to all incoming mail:
Do this: Forward to, Skip Inbox, Delete it
Matches: from:(
Do this: Forward to, Skip Inbox, Delete it
I have absolutely no idea who’s email address that is, but it seems to me that some of my personal emails were bypassing my inbox entirely, instead being forwarded to the address.
It appears that the GMail security issue is fixed, but that won’t remove any previously installed Filters from your GMail account.

What do I know about the hacker stealing my property?

I have a GMail address,, and what’s possibly some fictitious name, Peyam Irvani.
There’s also the Yahoo email address,, where my emails were being forwarded to through the malicious Filter.
ICDSoft provided me with the IP address from where the fraudulent support ticket originated (, and it’s possible to search for it’s physical location using a free online IP address locator. I’d never used one before, but gave it a shot…
According to IP Global Positioning, the IP is in the United States. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to be more precise, and the Internet Service Provider is known as Cybergate INC (based in Mississippi, USA).
I’m not entirely sure just how much this information can help me, if at all, but I thought it might be useful.
A little unexpectedly, I received a third email from ‘Peyam’ on December 21st, saying:
Helli David,
We can use escrow and you can have your domain name again :)
Only for 250 $ !
Do you want it ?!
Its special christmas offer ! haha
I like to see you have that domain name again :)
I don’t care if it costs $0.02. I won’t give my money to a criminal.
You might be wondering what I did to ressurect my website from oblivion. You’re reading this post after all. Before the theft, I had both and, with the permanently redirecting to the .com (I felt it would make more business sense to use the .com as my main address due to its ease of memorability.
I’m now using domain as my main address. What does this mean? It means that all my organic search results are reset to zero. Whereas once I was on the first page of search results for logo designer, I’m now nowhere to be found.
It also means that my business cards are now incorrect, and my email addresses too. Quite an expense, but I’d rather fight in the courts than give one penny to the person who did this.
During the site move, I found to my detriment that I was linking to my blog images entirely the wrong way. I had been uploading my picture files to a subdomain ( then placing them inside my blog posts from there. This meant that whenever the domain name changed to, so did that subdomain. It now became Therefore, my site was missing every single image I’d ever added.
In order to fix this, I moved all the picture files to a new folder, in the root directory at Now, when I insert an image into a blog post, I don’t use the full URI, but cut the address to it’s bare minimum, like so: img src=”/images/example_filename.jpg”
This means that should I ever re-change my domain name, back to the .com for instance, the images will automatically pull whatever domain name I’m using, without the need for a change.
I’m now also using this technique for internal hyperlinks. Rather than linking to my contact page like so: “”, I’ll simply use “/contact”.
Much better, and uses less code too.

Where can I get help with domain name disputes?

This is the stage I’m at now, weighing up my options before it comes to paying legal fees. This is also where I’m calling on your valued help. I know that many of you are much more clued up on this than I am, and if you can spare some advice in the comments here I’d be very appreciative.
In my email communications with GoDaddy (the company where my .com domain name is now registered), a representative had this to say:
Should we receive notice of a pending dispute from a court or arbitration forum, we will lock the domain name so it cannot be transferred or have the registrant information modified. Likewise, when we receive a decision from the legal body, we will update the domain name accordingly.
They then directed me to the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization,
So I looked into this organisation’s website, and in particular, the section on domain name dispute resolution resources.
There’s a FAQ section which provides information on a number of items, including the following:
To cut a long story short, it seems I have to pay a minimum of $1500 for the pleasure of initiating a court case. All fees are listed here.
As for how long the process lasts, this information isn’t very obvious on the WIPO website, so at present I’m unsure.

What should I do?

From what I understand, the only option is to proceed with legal action (again, I’m not paying the thief one penny).
  • Do you know any different?
  • Do I have a good case to proceed with?
  • Is there any other information available online about the pirate who is blackmailing me?
If you can provide any of these answers, it would mean a lot.

Thank you

Thank you so much to those of you who kindly emailed me at the start of this situation: Vivien, Ben, Tammy, Armen, Dawud, Ed and Jamie. I know that more of you tried, but that I didn’t receive your emails because my accounts no longer existed.
Thank you also, to everyone who is lending their support in the comments of my previous blog post, David hacked. Many of you have also published my news on your own blogs, and this really lifts my spirits, showing just how great the people in the blog world are:
Here’s a sampling of your kind help:
It truly is fantastic that you’d go to this effort, and if there’s anything I can do in return, do let me
UPDATE: My domain name has been returned! You can read how in this follow-up blog article, posted here on my site on December 27th.


Google Vulnerability

Yesterday, I found a new XSS vulnerability that can be abused to steal information from Gmail accounts, I've done responsible disclosure of at least 3 vulns to Google, but since I haven't got enough 'motivation', I'll go full disclosure now.
The vulnerability exists in Blogspot polls feature, I had already disclosed a vulnerability on this system. The 'font' parameter was not being sanitized before being used inside an STYLE tag, so you could inject IE's expression() and Mozilla's -moz-binding. They fixed it, however they didn't check enough the rest of the code, the new XSS is:
Simple XSS POC
Since its Sunday and there is nothing else to do, I've created 2 more pocs, one of them, shows a your contacts, the second one will make Gmail forward all new received emails to another email account, no user interaction required, well you just need to open a website while still logged to Gmail.

I have tested them under IE, Konqueror, Opera and Firefox, it should work on all of them. If
you want to be protected against this kind of attacks, I'd highly recommend Firefox +

Update: Google fixed this issue, I'd like to ask the people that looked at the second poc to disable forwarding if you have not done so, I'm still getting ton of email. This screenshot shows how to disable forwarding.


26 December 2007

Pembelian Pesawat Su-30MKM Oleh Iran Sebanyak 250 Buah

Berita dari Israel ttg pesawat SU-30MKM juga bakal dibeli oleh Iran untuk angkatan udaranya. Lingkungan 250 buah pesawat bakal ditempah..... (banyaknya tu.. tentu ada negara yang takut dgn pembelian ni).


DEBKAfile - We start where the media stop

DEBKA Reports: Iran buys 250 long-distance Sukhoi fighter-bombers, 20 fuel tankers, from Russia
August 1, 2007, 2:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tehran and the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group are about to sign a mammoth arms deal running into tens of billions of dollars for the sale to Tehran of 250 Su-30MKM warplanes and 20 IL-78 MKI fuel tankers. DEBKAfile’s military sources report Iran has stipulated delivery of the first aircraft before the end of 2007.
The transaction, Russia’s largest arms deal in 30 years, will endow Iran with a long-range aerial assault capability. The Sukhoi can sustain a four-and-a-half hour raid at its maximum range of 3,000 km against long-distance, marine and low-lying ground targets across the Persian Gulf and Middle East, including Israel and Lebanon.
The fuel tankers extends the Su-30MKM’s assault sustainability to 10 hours and its range to 8,000 km at altitudes of 11-13 km. The closest comparable plane in the West is the American F-15E fighter bomber. Iran’s acquisition of an exceptionally large fleet of the Russian fighter-bomber will elevate its air force to one of the two largest and most advanced in the region, alongside the Israeli Air Force.
Iranian air crews are already training on the new Sukhoi aircraft, ready to start flying them early next year with only a short delay after delivery. DEBKAfile’s sources report that Moscow is selling Tehran the same Sukhoi model as India received earlier this year. The Iranians leaned hard on New Delhi to let them have the Israeli avionics and electronics the Indian Air Force had installed in the Russian craft. India refused.
Russia began delivering the same craft in June to Malaysia, which also sought Israeli avionics without success. The Su-30MKM has won the nickname of “Islamic Version of Sukhoi.”
Its two-member crew shares the workload. The first pilot flies the aircraft, controls weapons and maneuvers the plane in a dogfight. The co-pilot employs BVR air-to-air and air-to-ground guided weapons in long-range engagements, sweeps the arena for enemy craft or missiles and performs as command-and-control in group missions.
Some of the plane’s systems are products of the French Thales Airborne Systems company. Moscow’s contract with Tehran for the sale of the Su-30MKM must therefore be cleared with Paris.
There is no decision in Jerusalem about asking Paris to withhold its consent to a deal which would substantially upgrade the long-range air assault capabilities of the Islamic Republic whose leaders want to wipe Israel off the map. However, President Nicolas Sarkozy is in mid-momentum of a diplomatic drive in the Arab and Muslim world and unlikely to be receptive to an Israeli approach. The only chance of aborting the Russian sale would be to route the approach through Washington.


23 December 2007

Kereta Knight Rider KITT terbaru

Masih ingat lagi cerita drama bersiri Knight Rider lakonan David Hasselhoff dan kereta paling canggih KITT.

Sekarang dgn kereta Knight Rider versi baru.... dgn kereta Ford Mustang (nampak tough) ... tapi bila kita pikir2 kan ... larat ke kereta tu nak bawa bermacam2 jenis equipment dlm kereta tu... Makan minyak nih.... alahai minyak mahal laa!!


Under the Hood With Knight Rider 2.0: Trans Am vs. Ford Mustang (Featuring Exclusive New KITT Specs—and Classic Hasselhoff!)

Published on: December 20, 2007
If you were a child of the 1980s, or are just a fan of very-late-night cable television, then you've most likely seen Michael Knight (played by a pre-Baywatch David Hasselhoff) and his chatty supercar sidekick, KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand), do battle with bad guys on the small-screen action-adventure show Knight Rider.

At first glance, KITT appeared to be a sporty 1982 Pontiac Trans Am, fresh off the assembly line. But thanks to a little Hollywood razzle-dazzle, the car transformed into a virtually indestructible machine—possessed with advanced artificial intelligence that allowed it to accept voice control commands, interact with "The Hoff" and make decisions on its own. In fact, the car's AI was so advanced that KITT formed a kind of personality, which is what has endeared the "car" to millions of auto geeks in a way the Batmobile never could be. But when the show was shelved in 1986, so was KITT.

Last week, NBC unveiled an all-new, controversial KITT, which is set to star in the made-for-TV Knight Rider movie in February. Based on the still-to-be-released Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR (click here for engine-revving video), this virtual Stang comes tricked out with a supercomputer that can hack almost any system; a very capable weapons system; and a body—thanks to nanotechnology—that's able to shape-shift and change color at will. Like its predecessor, the 21st century KITT gets AI from digital effects wizards that makes it an ideal crime-fighting partner: logical, precise and infinitely smart.

Designer Harald Belker, who has created the Batmobile for Batman and Robin and a next-gen space shuttle for Armageddon, came onboard to give the new KITT. a unique look. "The goal was to make it look more aggressive without being hokey or garish," Belker says. "Maintaining as much of the original beauty of the Shelby as possible was important—and not just because of the Ford connection. It had to be simple yet believable as a superhero." Once his vision was set, Belker turned to Ted Moser from Picture Car Warehouse to make his drawings come to life. But there was one big hurdle: The GT500KR doesn't technically exist quite yet. "So we had to finish their design first," Moser says. "Then we brought in a prop maker to create side skirts and spoilers out of wood, smooth them out, and sent them to a fiberglass shop to make molds. Once the parts are formed from those molds, we finish them and attach them to the car."

One of the cooler features of the Mustang KITT is air-ride suspension, which allows its driver to lower the car's ride height when the vehicle morphs from Hero to Attack mode. "When it goes on the offensive, it gets slammed to the ground," Moser chuckles. Very aggressive, indeed. There will be three models used in filming: Hero (essentially a stock GT500KR); Attack (the tricked-out model); and Remote Control (operated via RC, obviously). "All of the ‘transforming' will be done through CGI animation like in the Transformers movie," Moser admits. (Click here for behind-the-scenes digital wizardry from this summer's blockbuster flick.)

For all you Trans Am holdouts, Mustang droolers and Hasselhoff haters, here's the very first look at all of the new KITT's gee-whiz specs and functionality, matched up to the original to determine which is better equipped for Hollywood crime-fighting.

KITT vs. KITT Spec Breakdown!



Vehicle Type: Front engine, rear-wheel drive, two-door coupe
Engine Type: Knight Industries turbojet with modified afterburners
Transmission: Eight-speed microprocessor turbodrive with autopilot
Price New: $11,400,000 (est.)
Acceleration: 0 to 60 mph: 0.2 seconds with power boosters. Standing quarter mile: 4.286 seconds
Braking (70 to 0 mph): 14 ft.
Fuel Economy: Classified, but thought to be 200 mpg
Vehicle Type: Front engine, on-demand all-wheel drive, two-door coupe
Engine Type: Aluminum block/titanium heads 5.4-liter V8 internal combustion with Whipple supercharger and Knight Industries liquid air cycle auxiliary turbine engine. 540 hp in Hero mode. Power output can’t be measured in Attack mode.
Transmission: Continuously variable transmission with infinite power band
Price New: $45.6 million, as tested
Acceleration: 0 to 60 mph: 1.77 seconds. Standing quarter mile: 3.87 seconds
Braking (300 to 0 mph): 12 ft.
Fuel Economy: Not testable





Version 1.0 Knight Industries 2000 microprocessor Version 2.3
Yes Auto Cruise Yes
Yes Auto Pursuit Yes
Yes Auto Collision Avoidance Yes
Yes Voice Interaction Yes
Yes Emergency Eject Yes
No Audio/Video In-Dash Functions Yes
No Radar Yes
No Sonar Yes
Yes X-Ray Yes
Yes Autopilot Yes
Yes Voice Analyzer Yes
Yes Infrared Tracking Scope Yes
10 miles Range 20 miles
Yes Pyroclastic Lamination Yes
Yes Blood Analyzer Yes
Yes Microwave Jammer Yes
Yes Interior Oxygenator Yes
Yes Rocket Boosters Yes
Yes Smokescreen Yes
Yes Olfactory Detector Yes
Yes Spectrograph Yes
Yes Electromagnetic Field Generator Yes
Yes Microwave Ignition Sensor Yes
Yes Aquatic Synthesizer Yes
Yes Electronic Field Disrupter Yes
Yes Ultra Magnesium Charges Yes
Yes Ultraphonic Chemical Analyzer Yes
Yes Graphic Translator Yes
Yes Anamorphic Equalizer Yes
No DNA Analysis Equipment Yes
No Mass Spectrometer Yes
No Targeted Electromagnetic Pulse Yes
No Military-Grade GPS Yes
No Heated Seats Yes
Yes Grappling Hook No
Yes Oil Jets No
Yes Flame Thrower No
No 3D Heads-Up Display Yes
No Laser Weapons System Yes
No Holographic Projection Yes
No Keyless Entry and Ignition Yes
No Personal Safety System Yes
No Nanotech Cloaking Yes
No 360-Degree Video Surveillance Yes
No Laser-Guided Missile Defense Yes
No Mini-KITT Reconnaissance Drone Yes
No 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Yes
No 1000-Watt Quadraphonic Stereo System Yes
No In-Seat Medical Diagnosis Yes
No Biometric Analysis Yes

Rujukan: ........

19 December 2007

Berjalan pantas 30 minit untuk kempis perut

Bagi mereka yang inginkan perut kempis tanpa perlu habiskan duit beratus atau beribu menjalani aktiviti di pusat kecantikan.


NEW YORK 18 Dis. – Berjalan pantas selama 30 minit enam kali seminggu didapati sudah cukup untuk mengempiskan perut dan mengurangkan risiko sindrom metabolik yang dikaitkan dengan gaya hidup kurang sihat.

“Kajian menunjukkan anda akan menerima faedah walaupun tidak membuat apa-apa perubahan pada pengambilan makanan,” kata Ketua Penyelidik di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Duke di North Carolina, Johanna L. Johnson.

Dianggarkan kira-kira satu perempat penduduk dewasa Amerika Syarikat mempunyai sindrom metabolik.

“Ini bermakna anda tidak perlu keluar berlari empat kali seminggu malah boleh berjalan di kawasan rumah selepas makan malam,” katanya.

Bagaimanapun kajian itu mendapati, mereka yang bersenam 30 minit dengan kekerapan enam hari seminggu atau lebih kurang 17.6 kilometer seminggu memperolehi lebih banyak faedah.

– Reuters

Malah orang yang berlari 27.2 kilometer dalam seminggu memperolehi lebih sedikit manfaat dalam terma merendahkan sindrom metabolik.

– Reuters

18 December 2007

Kucing Bercahaya Merah

Kucing sudah blh kuar tukar warna merah..... apa sudah jadi dengan karenah manusia nie..... melanggar hukum kejadian alam.


South Korean scientists clone cat that glows red

Cloning is a topic of much debate that has uses for good and uses that aren’t so good. Being able to clone animals with specific disease states could make it easier for researchers to tackle genetic diseases that affect animals and humans alike.

In 2005 the infamous Hwang Woo Suk, South Korean cloning scientist, admitted to falsifying stem cell cloning research. Even when it was later found that Suk had actually made a possibly larger breakthrough than the faked research suggested, the damage was already done and Suk was fired and faces legal ramifications for his falsified work.

Another group of South Korean scientists has cloned cats with a florescent protein gene that makes them glow red in ultra violet light. Similar techniques have been used in everything from roundworms to goldfish to pigs. The procedure used in the cloning process is hoped to be able to help develop treatments for genetic diseases.

The lead scientist on the project, Kong Il-keun from the Gyeongsang National University was able to produce a trio of cats with the altered glowing gene. The cats were born in January and February, two grew to adult and one cat was still born.

The South Korean Ministry of Science and Technology said in a statement, “It marked the first time in the world that cats with [altered fluorescence protein genes] RFP genes have been cloned.”

09 December 2007

Area 51 lokasi paling rahsia AS

Kawasan ini lah yang banyak menghasilkan propaganda A.S dan juga eksperimen rahsia mereka. Antara seperti mana projek Skunk Works untuk ujian Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Programs. Penerbangan ujian bagi U-2, SR-71, F-117, dan F-22.

Ia juga merupakan dipercayai tempat pengambaran krew Appolo 11 dalam misi menjejak di bulan.


Area 51 lokasi paling rahsia AS

Oleh Nasron Sira Rahim

KAWASAN di luar Area 51 yang terletak di Nevada, Amerika Syarikat.

Setakat ini tiada bukti untuk menyokong dakwaan kawasan berkenaan dijadikan pusat kajian mengenai UFO, ujian senjata canggih

PADA 1989, Bob Lazar dalam satu temuramah televisyen yang disiarkan Stesen Penyiaran Las Vegas, mendakwa yang dia pernah menjalankan satu tugasan berkaitan 'kapal angkasa makhluk asing' atau UFO yang ditempatkan di Tasik Papoose, Selatan Area 51, Nevada, Amerika Syarikat (AS).

Sejak dakwaan Lazer itu, Area 51 mula menjadi lokasi misteri yang terkenal di kalangan ramai pihak terutama pengkaji makhluk asing dan UFO.

Mereka percaya kononnya di situlah wujudnya satu markas makmal penyelidikan milik Kerajaan AS bagi mengkaji kapal angkasa dan makhluk asing yang terhempas ke bumi.

Teori konspirasi itu berlarutan sehingga kini berikutan tiada siapa yang dapat mengesahkan dakwaan Lazer itu selain tiada siapa yang mampu tampil bersama bukti mengenai aktiviti misteri yang dilakukan di lokasi rahsia itu.

Area 51 sebelum itu lebih dikenali sebagai Pusat Penyelidikan dan Ujian Penerbangan Tentera Udara AS dan digunakan sebagai pusat pembangunan dan ujian bagi menghasilkan pesawat tempur canggih untuk negara terbabit.

Landsat pseudocolor satellite photo of Groom Lake, taken around 2000

Foto satelit Groom Lake di Area 51, di ambil semasa tahun 2000

Ia adalah antara lokasi paling rahsia di AS dan terletak di sebuah daerah terasing di selatan Nevada di mana penduduk tidak dibenarkan memasuki, menghampiri malah mengambil gambar di kawasan berkenaan atau mereka akan didakwa mengikut Seksyen 21, Akta Rahsia Rasmi 1950 (50 USC 797).

Bagaimanapun, aktiviti rahsia serta penyelidikan sulit berhubung pembinaan pesawat tempur selain beberapa laporan kononnya berlaku pelbagai fenomena aneh dan luar biasa di kawasan itu semakin menimbulkan curiga di kalangan ramai pihak.

Ia sekali gus mencetuskan prasangka di kalangan penyelidik ‘UFOlogy’ mengenai kemungkinan Kerajaan AS sudah berjaya menangkap makhluk asing dan merampas kapal angkasa mereka yang terhempas.

Mengikut teori konspirasi itu lagi, pihak kerajaan terbabit kini sedang melakukan pelbagai uji kaji terhadap makhluk itu serta mengkaji teknologi kapal angkasa mereka di Area 51, akan tetapi, Kerajaan AS didakwa cuba merahsiakan penemuan penting itu daripada semua pihak.

Penyelidik juga percaya yang makhluk asing serta UFO yang terhempas di Roswell, New Mexico, pada Julai 1947 juga ditempatkan di Area 51 untuk kajian lanjut.

Misteri mengenai kegiatan rahsia di lokasi sulit itu semakin menarik minat ramai pihak sehingga timbul pelbagai khabar angin antaranya:

Di lokasi itulah kerajaan AS didakwa menyimpan, menyelidik dan melakukan proses ‘keterbalikan kejuruteraan’ terhadap kapal angkasa makhluk asing bagi membolehkan mereka membina pesawat tempur canggih berasaskan teknologi UFO yang mereka temui.

Antara teknologi yang didakwa berjaya dibangun saintis dan penyelidik AS berasaskan penyelidikan terhadap kapal angkasa itu ialah penghasilan pesawat luar biasa dalam Program Aurora.

Kerajaan AS juga didakwa mengadakan kaji selidik dalam pelbagai bidang sains dan sosial terhadap makhluk asing yang ditemui sama ada hidup atau sudah mati malah mereka mungkin sudah mengadakan perhubungan dengan tamadun makhluk asing di angkasa.

Di lokasi Area 51 itu, penyelidik dan saintis didakwa sedang melakukan penyelidikan dan pembangunan senjata berasaskan tenaga alam seperti kawalan cuaca terhadap ribut, puting beliung atau gempa bumi.

Dakwaan yang lebih menggemparkan kononnya di lokasi rahsia itu saintis dan penyelidik sedang membina teknologi mesin merentas masa.

Segala penyelidikan dan aktiviti sulit di Area 51 didakwa berkait rapat dengan satu pertubuhan rahsia dikenali ‘Majestic 12’ yang ditubuhkan pada 1947 untuk menyiasat segala aktiviti berkaitan dengan UFO dan makhluk asing.

Pertubuhan rahsia yang anggotanya terdiri daripada sekumpulan saintis, ketua tentera, pegawai tinggi kerajaan AS itu ditubuhkan atas arahan eksekutif daripada Presiden AS ketika itu, Harry S Truman.

Mengenai lokasi makmal rahsia di Area 51 pula, ada khabar angin kononnya ia dibina di bawah tanah dan di dalam Tasik Papoose.

Kononnya di bawah permukaan muka bumi kawasan gurun itu, ada satu kompleks teramat besar yang dihubungkan dengan jalinan jalan raya bawah tanah selain wujudnya lapangan terbang khas yang hanya muncul apabila tasik berkenaan terbelah.

Bagaimanapun, pihak Tentera Udara AS menafikan kewujudan ‘Area 51’ sebagai satu daripada tapak operasi yang berada di bawah kawalan mereka.

Bagaimanapun, misteri berhubung lokasi itu semakin membingungkan apabila pada Julai 1996, seorang pemanggil rancangan radio ‘Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM’ yang menggelarkan dirinya sebagai ‘Victor’ mendakwa dia memiliki pita video yang menyiarkan proses soal siasat pegawai tentera dan saintis terhadap makhluk asing yang dilakukan di Area 51. Makhluk asing itu dipercayai berkomunikasi menggunakan telipati.

Victor mendakwa yang dia berjaya membuat salinan daripada rakaman asal milik pihak berkuasa Area 51 dan menyeludup keluar pita video berkenaan dari lokasi sulit terbabit.

Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini, tiada bukti kukuh yang mampu membongkar apa sebenarnya yang terdapat di sebalik lokasi rahsia Area 51.

Mungkin di situ terdapat pesawat angkasa lepas dan jasad makhluk asing; mungkin juga di situ terdapat makmal yang melakukan pelbagai penyelidikan bagi menghasilkan teknologi luar biasa; mungkin di situ juga disembunyikan pelbagai projek rahsia Kerajaan AS atau mungkin di situ hanya terdapat bangunan pejabat bagi operasi biasa tentera AS.

Sehingga kini, aktiviti sebenar di lokasi rahsia Area 51, kekal menjadi misteri. sumber:

INFO: Area 51

  • Terletak di Nevada, Amerika Syarikat.

  • Turut dikenali sebagai Dreamland, Watertown Strip, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, The Box, Groom Lake dan juga The Directorate for Development Plans Area.

  • Menjadi pusat penyelidikan dan ujian penerbangan bagi Tentera Udara AS.

  • Menjadi popular berikutan dakwaan kononnya makhluk asing dan UFO yang terhempas di bumi disembunyikan untuk dikaji di lokasi itu.

  • Misteri berhubung lokasi itu banyak disebut dan dijadikan babak dalam filem dan rancangan televisyen antaranya The X-files, CSI, Stargate dan Eureka.

  • Rujukan:

    07 December 2007

    Apakah Yang Polis Tahu Tentang Diri Anda (versi A.S)

    Catatan mengenai apa yang polis di Amerika Syarikat boleh tahu. Macam dalam siri drama CSI gitu, tekan aje butang keyboard komputer... terus sahaja boleh dapat maklumat suspek atau mangsa.
    Bagaimana pula jika pihak yang berkenaan menyalahguna dan membaca laporan sulit hanya untuk kepentingan peribadi??


    What Do the Cops Have on Me?

    What turns up when a police officer punches your name into the computer.

    By Brad Flora

    Drew Peterson, the former Bolingbrook, Ill., police sergeant suspected of murdering his third and fourth wives, is now also under investigation for police misconduct. New evidence suggests that Peterson used official law-enforcement databases to check up on his fourth wife and her associates before she disappeared. Peterson's attorney says it was common practice for Bolingbrook police to run checks for friends and family, and to run prank names to alleviate boredom. What can the police learn about you from these database queries?
    Your name and aliases; your Social Security number; where you live; when you were born; the color of your skin and eyes; any scars, tattoos, or identifying marks; your height, vision, and gender; what kind of car you drive, whether it's a stolen vehicle, and your license and plate numbers; your traffic violation history; your local, state, and federal criminal history; and your fingerprints
    Local police gather this information from five main databases. A search of records from the state registration agency (called the "Department of Motor Vehicles" in most places) yields information on your car and to whom it's registered. There's another archive of driver's license records, kept in some states by the DMV and in other states by a separate licensing agency, which has facts on where you live, your driving record, and sometimes a digital copy of your license photo. Outstanding arrest warrants will show up in a third database, and a person's criminal history can be found in either the local police records or the federally operated National Crime Information Center database, which culls from local, state, and federal files. (Some police agencies also subscribe to research tools that are available to the general public, like LexisNexis and credit reporting services.)
    Access to the databases works a little differently in every agency. In general, police have unrestricted access to the DMV, driver's license, and warrant databases, as well as the local police records. In some departments, the information can be obtained via Windows-based graphical user interfaces, while other offices still use DOS-like text interfaces. Either way, it works a lot like searching for a book at the library: Officers click a shortcut on their computer desktop to open a window that will let them search by name, license number, date of birth, or Social Security number, and return all matching records.
    Looking up a person's federal and state criminal history is more complicated, though this also varies from local agency to agency. In some departments, officers can query the NCIC database directly from their office computers or the mobile data computer in their squad car; in others, officers must submit a formal request to their records department and sign a statement saying it's part of an ongoing investigation—and that the record will be destroyed when the investigation is over.
    Got a question about today's news? Ask the Explainer.
    Explainer thanks Maj. Robert Stack of the Lexington Division of Police in Lexington, Ky., and Tim Dees of
    Brad Flora is a Slate intern.
    Article URL:

    06 December 2007

    Senarai Codenames Produk/Projek Intel Corporation

    Senarai nama produk atau projek Intel. Intel Development Center di Israel pula menamakan nama² tempat di tanah jajahan haram atau berkaitan.


    List of Intel codenames

    Intel has historically named IC development projects after geographical names (since they can never be trademarked by someone else) of towns, rivers or mountains near the location of the Intel facility responsible for the IC. Many of these are in the American West, particularly in the state of Oregon (where most of Intel's CPU projects are designed; see well-known project codenames). As Intel's development activities have expanded, this nomenclature has expanded to Israel and India. Some older codenames refer to celestial bodies.
    The following table lists known Intel codenames along with a brief explanation of their meaning and their likely namesake.

    Codename ↓ Description ↓ Named after ↓
    Alderwood a Pentium 4/D/XE chipset probably named after a location in Snohomish County, Washington; see Alderwood.
    Aliceton the successor to Tigerton unknown
    Allendale a version of the Intel Core 2 processor Allendale is the name of several places in the USA; see Allendale.
    Almador a Pentium III-M chipset probably named after Almador County, California
    Alviso a Pentium M chipset Mobile (915 Express series) Alviso, a small neighborhood in San Jose, California, the closest San Jose neighborhood to Intel's Santa Clara headquarters.
    Anchor Creek Smithfield + Lakeport/Glenwood Reference unknown
    Aries a 80486 chipset probably Aries (constellation)
    Aruba Intel AR440BX chipset Probably named after Aruba, an island of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea
    Auburndale a dual-core mobile processor in the Nehalem architecture
    Auburndale is the name of various places in the US. Referred here may be Auburndale, Massachusetts.
    Balboa a Pentium II chipset possibly named after Balboa, a subsection of the city of Newport Beach, Orange County, California.
    Banias The first Pentium M processor Banias, an ancient site in the Golan Heights
    Banister Intel 440MX Pentium Pro/II/III chipset Reference unknown
    Bearlake Successor to the 965 series [1] Bear Lake, a natural freshwater lake divided by the Utah-Idaho border in the Western United States.
    Beckton/Becton (the correct spelling may be either Beckton or Becton) Nehalem-based MP-capable processor unknown
    Bensley Bensley platform = Demspey & Woodcrest / Clovertown + Blackford chipset Reference uncertain. Bensley is a census-designated place in Chesterfield County, Virginia
    Bigby chipsets for the 45 nm quad and dual core processors codenamed Yorkfield and Wolfdale Reference unknown
    Blackford a 5000X chipset Blackford is the name of various places. Reference unknown.
    Bloomfield a processor based on the Nehalem microarchitecture Bloomfield is the name of several places in the USA; see Bloomfield.
    Boaz a LAN controller, part of the Montevina platform probably named after Boaz, a Biblical figure from the Old Testament. Alternatively, the place name Boaz, AL or Boaz, MO.
    Boazman: see 'Boaz'

    Bonetrail a motherboard optimized for gaming, related to 'Skulltrail' [2] may be named after Bonetrail, a township in Williams County, North Dakota
    Boxboro Second-generation PCIe bus Probably named after Boxborough, a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
    Breeds Hill i848P chipset Probably named after Breed’s Hill, the actual site where the Battle of Bunker Hill took place during the American Revolution, located in the Charlestown section of Boston, Massachusetts
    Bridge Creek Presler + Broadwater Bridge Creek is the name of various places in the US including Bridge Creek, Oklahoma and Bridge Creek, Wisconsin
    Broadwater a Core 2 Duo chipset reference unknown; may be named after Broadwatera, a village in Morrill County, Nebraska.
    Brookdale a Celeron/Pentium 4 chipset probably named after Brookdale, an unicorporated town in Santa Cruz County, California. For other meanings see Brookdale.
    Bulverde The PXA27x family of Xscale processors Bulverde, a city in Comal County, Texas.
    Calexico Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 or later 2200 (IEEE 802.11b) mini-PCI WiFi adapter, part of the Carmel platform Calexico, a city in Imperial County, California.
    Calistoga Intel Mobile 945 Express-series chipset, part of the Napa platform Calistoga, a city in Napa County, California.
    Camino a Pentium II/III / Celeron chipset Camino, California. A small town in El Dorado County, California. Apple Hill is located in Camino.
    Caneland Xeon MP platform which uses Tigerton Core 2 based CPUs. It has four dedicated point-to-point FSB connections to memory controller. reference unknown
    Canmore an SoC for consumer electronics; successor to the CE2110 but based on the x86 instruction set rather than the ARM architecture [3] possibly named after Canmore, Alberta
    Canterwood a Pentium 4 chipset reference unknown
    Cantiga chipset part of Montevina reference unknown
    Carmel first-generation Centrino platform as well as a Pentium II/III / Celeron chipset Mount Carmel, a coastal mountain range in northern Israel
    Cascades Second version of the Pentium III Xeon Cascade Range, a major mountain range of western North America, extending from southern British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Northern California.
    Caswell a processor technology for WiFi, integrated in the ICH6W I/O controller hub Reference unknown
    Cedar Mill the final revision of the Pentium 4 Cedar Mill, a census-designated place and an unincorporated community in Washington County, Oregon, west of the Willamette Stone.
    Chevelon Intel IOP342 I/O Processor Probably named after a place in Arizona
    Chivano the first Itanium processor manufactured at 95 nm Reference unknown
    Clackamas later codename for the Intel 64 project, originally codenamed Yamhill Clackamas River, a river in Oregon
    Clarksboro Clarksboro] Reference uncertain. Clarksboro is a historic area of Gloucester County, New Jersey
    Clovertown a Quad-core Xeon processor (A quad-core version of Woodcrest, consisting of two Woodcrest dies on a multi-chip module) reference unknown
    Colusa a Xeon chipset either named after Colusa, California or after Colusa County of which this city is the seat.
    Conroe the desktop variant of the Intel Core 2 processor Conroe, Texas
    Coppermine the second-generation Pentium III processor reference unknown; for various meanings see Coppermine.
    Copperriver chipsets based on Grantsdale/Alderwood models The Copper River or Ahtna River is a river in south-central Alaska in the United States
    Covington first-generation Celeron processor Covington is the name of many places in the US. Referred here is probably Covington, a city in King County, Washington.
    Clarksfield a quad-core mobile processor in the Nehalem architecture
    Clarksfield is a township in Huron County, Ohio, USA.
    Cranberry lake replacement of Bensley-VS Cranberry Lake is a lake in the Adirondack Mountains and the Adirondack State Park in New York
    Cranford an MP version of the Nocona reference unknown; for various meanings see Cranford.
    Crestine a chipset for Yonah; the successor to the Express 945GM and 945PM mobile chipsets Reference unknown
    Crestline Intel Mobile 965 Express chipset Several places in the USA are called Crestline. Probably Crestline, California is referred here, a place in the San Bernardino Mountains.
    Dana Point a wireless networking card for the Montevina platform supporting WiMAX Dana Point, a city in southern Orange County, California
    Danbury a data protection engine for Eaglelake chipsets [4] Danbury is the name of various places in the US. See Danbury
    Deerfield the fourth version of Itanium 2 Deerfield is the name of many places in the US.
    Dempsey the Dual-Core Xeon 5000-series reference unknown; for various meanings see Demspey.
    Deschutes the second-generation Pentium II processor Deschutes County, Oregon or, more likely, Deschutes River, which runs through it.
    Dimona the Dual Processor only version of Tukwila Dimona is an Israeli city in the Negev desert
    Dixon mobile Pentium II PE ("Performance Enhanced") Dixon is the name of many places in the US. Referred here may be Dixon, a city in Solano County, California.
    Dothan a Pentium M processor, successor to Banias Dothan, an ancient town in Israel
    Drake The first Xeon processor, released in 1998 as the Pentium II Xeon reference unknown
    Dunnington A 45 nm successor to Tigerton, which may be either a quad-core or an octa-core processor reference unknown; Dunnington is a village in Yorkshire, UK but this is not a likely reference.
    Eaglelake Desktop chipset family; replacement of Bearlake Eagle Lake is the name of many places in North America, including a town in Texas
    East Fork Intel digital home PC platform East Fork is the name of several places in the US, including one in California (referring to the east fork of the Carson River).
    Echo Peak a wireless networking card for the Montevina platform supporting WiMAX and 802.11b/g/n Echo Peak, a mountain in the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the west of Lake Tahoe on the border of the Desolation Wilderness in El Dorado County, California.
    Emerald Bay Intel EB440BX chipset Emerald Bay is a bay on the west side of Lake Tahoe, in California
    Fanwood the fifth version of Itanium 2 Fanwood, a borough in the US state of New Jersey?
    Foster Initial variant of the 32-bit Xeon processor using the NetBurst architecture Foster is the name of various places in the US. Referred here is probably Foster, Oregon.
    Foxton a power-management technology that was originally planned for inclusion in Montecito Foxton is the name of various places in England and New Zealand. US location unknown.
    Gainestown a quad-core processor based on Intel's upcoming Nehalem microarchitecture reference unknown
    Gallatin Pentium 4 Extreme Edition Gallatin is the name of various places in the US. Reference unknown.
    Gallaway Presler/Cedarminll + Glenwood Probably named after Gallaway, California
    Garlow replacement of the Wyloway single processor platform Reference unknown
    Gaston Intel wireless ethernet technology Gaston is a city in Washington County, Oregon, United States
    Geneseo the joint IBM/Intel extensions to PCI Express Geneseo is the name of several places in the United States. It is not known whether it concerns an Intel or IBM codename.
    Gesher a 32 nm processor microarchitecture, the successor to Nehalem Named after the Hebrew word for 'bridge'. Because Gesher is also the name of a political party in Israel, Intel later changed the name to Sandy Bridge. [5]
    Gilgal Gigabit Ethernet chip Gilgal is a place name mentioned by the Hebrew Bible
    Gilo a processor based on the Nehalem microarchitecture probably named after Mount Gilo, a mountain close to Jerusalem; see Har Gilo.
    Glenwood a Core 2 Duo chipset Glenwood is the name of various places in the US. Referred here is probably Glenwood, Washington.
    Glidewell the workstation counterpart of the Bensley server platform Reference unknown
    Golan Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG mini-PCIe WiFi adapter, part of the Napa platform Golan Heights, a plateau on the border of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria
    Granite Bay a Pentium 4 chipset Granite Bay, a census-designated place in Placer County, California.
    Grantsdale a Pentium 4/D/XE chipset reference unknown; may be named after Grantsdale, Montana.
    Greencreek Intel 5000X chipset Greencreek is the name of a town in Idaho County, Idaho. See List of places in Idaho/G
    Harpertown a 45 nm, quad-core processor Harpertown, a place in Kern County, California.
    Havendale the desktop version of Auburndale reference unknown
    Hondo the third version of Itanium 2 Hondo, the county seat of Medina County, Texas?
    Irwindale Second version of the 64-bit Xeon processor Irwindale, a city in Los Angeles County, California.
    Jayhawk the Xeon counterpart of Tejas reference unknown; for various meanings see Jayhawk
    Juneau Intel JN440BX chipset Juneau is the capital of the U.S. state of Alaska
    Katmai the first Pentium III processor Probably named after Mount Katmai, a volcano in the Katmai Park in Alaska, the site of a colossal 1912 eruption. Incidentally Katmai is also the codename of a Microsoft project: the next release of SQL Server.
    Kedron Intel PRO/Wireless 4965AGN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n mini-PCIe WiFi adapter probably named after Kidron Valley, a valley near Jerusalem. Also see Kedron.
    Kenai LAN chip probably named after one of several placed in Alaska called Kenai
    Kentsfield the first quad-core version of the Core 2 processor reference unknown
    Keifer a mini core [6] reference unknown
    Kevet a mini core [6] a place in Ventura County, California
    Kikayon a version of the Intel Core processor Kikayon is the Hebrew name of a plant mentioned in the Biblical Book of Jonah
    Kinneret LAN chip Yam Kinneret, Israel's largest freshwater lake
    Klamath the first-generation Pentium II processor Klamath, is the name of a river that flows through Oregon and California and the name of adjacent counties in both of these states.
    Kyrene a chipset, member of the Brookdale family Kyrene is a settlement situated in the state of Arizona [1]
    LaGrande Intel Trusted Execution Technology, a set of security features Pierce County], Washington.
    Lakeport a Pentium 4/D/XE chipset Lakeport is a name of various places in the US. Referred here may be Lakeport, California, the county seat of Lake County.
    Langwell the I/O part of the 'Moorestown' system-on-a-chip platform for UMPCs and internet tablets reference unknown
    Larrabee a graphics core [7]
    , [6]
    Larrabee, Iowa, a city in Cherokee County, Iowa, United States or Larrabee, Wisconsin, a town in Waupaca County, Wisconsin, United States. See Larrabee
    Lincroft an SoC that's part of the Moorestown platform for UMPCs and internet tablets Lincroft is a part of Middletown Township, in Monmouth County, New Jersey
    Lindenhurst a Dual Xeon chipset Lindenhurst is the name of several places in the US. Reference unknown.
    Little River Intel 945GU Express chipset Little River is the name of many places in the US, including a town in Mendocino County, California and a river in Oregon
    Lynnfield a quad-core Nehalem processor, successor to Bloomfield Lynnfield is a town in Essex County, Massachusetts.
    Madison the second version of Itanium 2 Madison is the name of many places in the USA. Reference unknown.
    Marathon Intel 2700G graphics accelerator Reference uncertain
    Matanzas Mobile On Embedded Socket P Merom-based design; a version of Santa Rosa. "Santa Rosa for Embedded Market" document hints a prerelease version of was available to some as early as May 2006. Reference unknown
    McCaslin Intel Ultra Mobile Platform 2007 [8], see also Intel A100 Reference unknown
    McCreary the third generation of vPro [4] possibly named after McCreary County, Kentucky
    McKinley the first Itanium 2 processor Mount McKinley or Denali in Alaska is the highest mountain peak in North America
    Mendocino second-generation (?) Celeron processor Mendocino is a census-designated place in Mendocino County, California
    Menlow successor to the A100 series of processors for UMPCs and internet access devices reference unknown
    Merced The first version of the Itanium processor Merced River, California
    Mercury a Pentium chipset planet Mercury
    Merom the first mobile version of the Core 2 processor Merom Lacus, a lake in the Hulah Valley of Israel
    Millington Dual-core Itanium 2 processor Reference uncertain. Millington is a town in Kent County and Queen Anne's County, Maryland but also the name of various other places. See Millington
    Monahans the successor to Bulverde Monahans, a city in Texas; the county seat of Ward County.
    Montara a Pentium M chipset (855 series) Montara, a census-designated place in San Mateo County, California
    Montecito a revision of the Intel Itanium 2 processor Montecito, California
    Montevina successor to Santa Rosa i.e. fifth-generation Centrino platform Montevina is a wine out of the Sierra Foothills, after the Italian word for mountain wine.
    Montvale an upgraded version of the Montecito Itanium 2 Montvale, New Jersey?
    Moorestown Successor to Menlow Reference uncertain. Moorestown is a place located in Lawrence County, Indiana. Other places by the name of Moorestown exist as well. It may also be a play on the name of Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel and author of Moore's law.
    Morgan Hill i865GV chipset Morgan Hill is a city located in the southern part of Santa Clara County, California
    Mount Prospect Intel MP440BX chipset Mount Prospect is a village in Cook County, Illinois
    Mukilteo a chipset for uniprocessor servers Mukilteo is a city in Snohomish County, Washington
    Napa third-generation Centrino platform Napa is the county seat of Napa County, California, home to the famous Napa Valley wine region.
    Natoma a Pentium Pro/Pentium II chipset A census-designated place in Sacramento County, California. Lake Natoma is nearby.
    Nehalem a processor microarchitecture that is being developed by Intel and is the planned successor to Penryn Nehalem, a city in Tillamook County, Oregon or rather Nehalem River
    Neptune a Pentium chipset planet Neptune
    Ninevah An ethernet chip Nineveh was an important city in ancient Assyria, referred to in the Book of Jonah
    Nocona Initial version of the 64-bit Xeon processor Nocona, a city in Montague County, Texas
    Northwood the second-generation Pentium 4 processor Northwood is the name of several places in the USA. See Northwood (disambiguation)
    Odem a Pentium M chipset (855 series) Mount Odem in the Golan Heights
    Orion a Pentium Pro chipset probably Orion (constellation) or Orion Nebula
    Paxville the first Dual-Core Xeon Paxville, a town in Clarendon County, South Carolina
    Penryn The successor to the Conroe Penryn, California, a town of about 2,000 and home to a granite quarry
    Placer a Xeon chipset Placer County, California
    Plumas a Xeon chipset Plumas County, California
    Potomac an MP version of the Nocona the Potomac River, which flows through West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC, USA.
    Poulsbo a second-generation UMPC chipset [9] Poulsbo, a waterfront city in Kitsap County, Washington, United States. Named after Paulsbo, Norway, a mistake on the application for establishing a post office resulted in the town being officially named Poulsbo in 1886.
    Poulson a future generation of Intel's Itanium 2 processor family, expected to come to market in 2009, after Tukwila reference unknown
    Prescott a Pentium 4 processor, successor to Northwood Prescott is the name of various places in the USA, including a city in Oregon.
    Presler Pentium 4-based dual core processor (65 nm part) reference unknown
    Prestonia Second version of the 32-bit Xeon processor Prestonia, a neighborhood five miles southeast of downtown Louisville, Kentucky?
    Reidland A family of Xeon processors and successor to the Truland platform Possibly named after Reidland, a census-designated place in McCracken County, Kentucky
    Richford Richford platform = Tukwila/Poulson + Rose Hill chipset Richford is the name of various places in the US, in the states of New York, Wisconson and Vermont. Reference unknown.
    Robson a NAND flash-memory caching technology Possibly Mount Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies. See Robson.
    Rochester Intel RC440BX chipset Rochester is the name of many places in the US. Referred here may be Rochester, a census-designated place in Thurston County, Washington
    Salt Creek a platform based around Intel’s Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor and Core 2 Duo processors Salt Creek is the name of various places in the US. Reference unknown
    San Clemente Chipset for LV and ULV dual core Xeons San Clemente is a city in Orange County, California
    Sandy Bridge the processor formerly called Gesher reference unknown
    Santa Rosa fourth-generation Centrino platform Santa Rosa, California
    Saturn a 80486 chipset planet Saturn
    Seaburg successor of the 5000p chipset Seaburg is the name of a town in Idaho County, Idaho. See List of places in Idaho/S
    Seattle a Pentium II/III / Celeron chipset Seattle, the largest city in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is located in King County, of which it is the county seat.
    Shelton a Celeron M processor Shelton, a city in Mason County, Washington
    Shiloh a wireless module part of Montevina Shiloh, a biblical village and eponymous stream in the Samaria hills region of the West Bank and present-day Israeli settlement of the same name. Also the name of various places in the US; see Shiloh.
    Silverdale Intel processor virtualization features Silverdale is a census-designated place in Kitsap County, Washington
    Silverthorne a processor designed for UMPCs and the successor to Stealy. possibly named after Silverthorne, Colorado.
    SkullTrail a dual CPU system set to rival the AMD Quad FX platform, aimed at gaming the name is most likely related to 'Bonetrail', an associated Intel motherboard
    Smithfield the first version of the Pentium D processor Smithfield is the name of various places in the USA.
    Solano a Pentium III/Celeron chipset Solano County, California
    Sonoma second-generation Centrino platform Sonoma is the name of a town, a county, a valley and a stream in Northern California.
    Sossaman the Dual-Core Xeon LV (Low Voltage) reference unknown
    Springdale the 865 Pentium 4 chipset Springdale is the name of several places in the USA.
    Stealy a single-core mobile chip [10] possible named after Stealy, an unincorporated community in Oklahoma.
    Stoakley Stoakley platform = Harpertown + Seaburg chipset Reference unknown. Stoakley is the name of a town in Ireland and in Maryland, USA.
    Stoutland a CPU with integrated memory controller May be named after Stoutland, a village in Camden and Laclede County, Missouri
    Sunrise Lake Intel IOP348 I/O Processor Reference uncertain. Sunrise Lake is a 257-acre water body located in Strafford County in eastern New Hampshire, in the town of Middleton
    Tanglewood a version of the Itanium processor, successor to Montvale Tanglewood, an estate and music venue in Lenox and Stockbridge, Massachusetts or Tanglewood, a neighborhood in Houston, Texas. See Tanglewood (disambiguation).
    Tanner Initial version of the Pentium III Xeon Tanner probably refers to Tanner, a place in King County, Washington.
    Tehama a Pentium 4 chipset Mount Tehama, an ancient volcano in northern California.
    Tejas Intel's microprocessor which was to be a successor to the latest Pentium 4 with Prescott core Tejas has several meanings; see Tejas.
    Thurley Thurley platform = Gainestown CPU + Tylersburg chipset Reference unknown
    Tigerton A quad-core, MP-capable processor to be released in place of Whitefield Tigerton, a village in Shawano County, Wisconsin?
    Timna Abanoned x86-based SoC project [11] Timna, a city in southern Israel
    Tolapai x86-based system-on-a-chip [12] possibly Tolapai Spring, Arizona
    Tonga Pentium II Mobile processor Unknown; see Tonga (disambiguation)
    Triton a Pentium chipset probably refers to Triton, a city in Washington, USA.
    Truland Truland platform = Paxville/Tulsa + E8501 chipset Reference unknown
    Tualatin third-generation Pentium III processor; also name of derived fourth-generation Celeron processor, nicknamed ‘’Tualeron’’ Tualatin Valley or the Tualatin River in Oregon, where Intel has large manufacturing and design facilities
    Tukwila Tanglewood renamed, after the Tanglewood Music Center in Massachusetts demanded a switch Tukwila, Washintgon
    Tulloch Intel i855 Tulloch is the name of a reservoir in Tuolumne County, California.
    Tulsa the 7100 series, an improved version of Paxville MP Tulsa, the second-largest city in the U.S. state of Oklahoma and the county seat of Tulsa County.
    Tumwater a Dual Xeon chipset Tumwater is a city in Thurston County, Washington next to the Deschutes River.
    Twin Castle Intel E8500 chipset Reference unknown
    Tylersburg Chipset for the Gainestown CPU May be named after a place in Pennsylvania
    Val Vista Intel IOC340 I/O Controller Reference unknown
    Vanderpool an x86 Virtualization technology Vanderpool, a small settlement in Bandera County, Texas.
    Warm Springs Intel WS440BX chipset Warm Springs is the name of many places in the US. Referred here may be Warm Springs, an unincorporated community in the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, in Oregon
    Westmere the 32 nm shrink of Nehalem [13] Possibly named after Westmere, a hamlet in Albany County, NY
    Whitefield a quad-core processor, partially based on Woodcrest, using the new Common System Interface (CSI) bus. This project was cancelled and replaced with the Tigerton processor on the Caneland platform. CSI technology won’t appear until the second-generation 45nm processor Nehalem. Whitefield is the name of several places in the USA, India, and the United Kingdom; see Whitefield.
    Whitney a Pentium II/III / Celeron chipset Whitney is the name of several places in the USA including Whitney, Oregon, Whitney, Texas and Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the continental United States.
    Willamette the first Pentium 4 processor Willamette River or the Willamette Valley region of Oregon, where a large number of Intel manufacturing facilities are located
    Windigo WWAN Internet access via HSDPA cellular networks Windigo?
    Woodcrest a dual-core Xeon DP Woodcrest, a census-designated place in Riverside County, California
    Wolfdale 45 nm desktop dual-core processor (based on 'Penryn', the 45 nm incarnation of the Core 2 Duo architecture) [14] possibly Wolfdale, a census-designated place in Washington County, Pennsylvania
    Wyloway platform for single-processor workstations Possibly named after Wyloway, a settlement in the state of Georgia in United States [2]
    Yamhill the Intel 64 CPU architecture Yamhill is the name of several places and geographical features in Oregon; referred here is likely the Yamhill River in Oregon's Willamette Valley.
    Yonah Intel's Pentium M line, after Banias and Dothan, branded Intel Core Yonah pigeon in Hebrew, developed at Intel Development Center Israel.
    Yorkfield the quad-core successor to the Kentsfield processor [14] Reference unknown