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28 February 2011

Dosa Besar: Mengadu Domba Dan Membuat Fitnah

Elakkan daripada mengadu domba dan membuat fitnah kerana kesannya tidak boleh mencium syurga. Begitu juga golongan yang menghasut dengan "lempar batu sembunyi tangan".

“Wahai orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini dengan sebab kejahilan kamu mengenainya sehingga menyebabkan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu telah lakukan.” ~ (Surah al-Hujurat: 6)

Peliharalah lidah daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang ditegah oleh syariat, seperti mengadu domba atau menyebar fitnah kerana ia merosakkan perhubungan sesama insan. Takutlah terhadap balasan mengadu domba itu. Balasannya adalah api neraka sebagaimana yang diperlihatkan kepada Nabi SAW pada malam Isra‘ dan Mi‘raj.

Dalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan dari sahabat, Ibnu Abbas RA, bahawa Rasulullah SAW berjalan pada suatu tempat lalu mendengar suara dua orang yang sedang disiksa di dalam kuburnya. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Dua orang (yang berada dalam kubur ini) disiksa, tapi bukan disiksa kerana melakukan dosa besar.”

Baginda bersabda: “Ya, salah seorang daripada keduanya itu tidak bersuci dengan bersih setelah berkencing, sementara yang satu pula berjalan (di kalangan manusia) dengan mengadu domba”. ~ (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari)

“Dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang.” ~ (Surah al Hujuraat: 12)

13 February 2011

Cell Phone Security Threats on Rise

Mobile phone users have more to worry about than ever before

Hackers and other nefarious types have always gone after systems that attract the most users (i.e. Windows for PCs). With the huge increase in the number of users that have smartphones around the world, mobile threats are becoming increasingly common.

Reuters reports that last year the number of threats aimed at mobile phones grew significantly. Security firm McAfee said that the number of new malware threats for mobile devices in 2010 that were discovered rose 46% over the levels in 2009.

McAfee said in a statement, "As more users access the Internet from an ever-expanding pool of devices -- computer, tablet, smartphone or Internet TV -- web-based threats will continue to grow in size and sophistication."

One of the major reasons for the new wave of malware according to McAfee is the wide use of Adobe PDF software and Flash being prime targets of criminals. PDF documents are a major way that malware is spread according to McAfee.

Google Android is being targeted by malware that embeds itself into apps and games according to McAfee. Late last year, a Trojan was let loose in China aimed at Android devices that was creating a botnet.

While malware and Trojans are increasing, McAfee confirms what other security firms have been saying, spam overall is decreasing. The decrease was especially notable in the second half of Q4 2010 when the level of spam dropped 62% by the end of the year compared to the start of 2010. The big drop was linked to botnets that were dormant during traditionally busy time of year.

McAfee itself is undergoing some big changes. Intel is purchasing McAfee, and the acquisition has been given the green light by the FTC and European regulators. The purchase is expected to bring better security to devices with tighter integration into the CPU.

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