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29 December 2009

5 Habits to break in 2010

Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a bad habit (or three), and even if you’re not the resolution type, making one change this year can do wonders for your health, looks and self-esteem. Here are five common not-so-great habits, and how to break ’em for good.

1.) Bad habit: Nail Biting

Stop now: Biting your nails makes for ugly hands and over time can interfere with normal nail growth, damage the outer layer of your teeth, and cause nail deformities such as split nails. Harmful bacteria such as staphylococcus also live underneath nails—and you don't want to chew on that.

Break it: Go for a professional manicure once every 2 or 3 weeks, suggests Angelica Kaner, PhD, a clinical professor at Yale University Medical School, because when your nails look pretty, you'll be less likely to snack on them. At the very least, keep your nails trimmed short—you'll have less nail to bite, and that harmful bacteria has less space to grow. Nail biting is also a nervous habit that is often an expression of s

ome deeper anxiety. "Ask yourself why you're feeling anxious," Kaner says. You can also try substituting a new, healthy behavior—instead of biting your nails, rub in a cuticle cream or oil.

Save money with home manicures

2.) Bad habit: Forgetting to Floss

Flossing helps prevent gum disease and keeps your teeth and gums looking good, but it may also stave off non-mouth-rela

ted diseases: A 2005 study in the journal Circulation showed that older adults with higher levels of four gum disease-causing bacteria in their mouths also tend to have thicker carotid arteries, which raise the risk of stroke and heart attack. That's scary business, because 90% of dentists say that most patients don't floss regularly.

Break it: Buy a floss-holding device, such as the Flossmate Floss Holder to make the process easier and faster. In an Indiana University study, 50% of previous nonflossers were doing so regularly 6 months after intro

ducing floss to their routine; 85% of the new flossers used a holding device—only 15% preferred doing without the aid. Then incorporate flossing into your morning routine before or after brushing.

Surprising habits that protect your pearly whites

3) Bad habit: Late Nigh

t Fridge Raiding

Eating late at night in itself isn't bad for you, but chances are you're eating cold pizza instead of apple slices. Adding those extra calories does the late-night damage, according to a 2005 Oregon Health & Science University study. Snacking late at night can also exacerbate symptoms for those prone to heartburn, a

s lying down after eating makes it easier for stomach acid to flow into the esophagus.

Break it Boredom, not hunger, is of the root cause of late-night eating, says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Fit to Live. Once the craving hits, focus on an activity that engages you until it's time to go to sleep, such as e-mail, a crossword puzzle, or meditation. It's also common for people to chow down while watching TV. In fact, a study from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago found that people who were allowed to eat as many potato chips as they wanted ate 44% more chips while watching Letterman than while not watching TV. Keep your hands busy while yo

u watch by folding laundry, using your BlackBerry, or knitting—that way you won't be tempted to break out the Ruffles.

Ate too much? Erase the damage with this simple plan.

4) Bad habit: Smoking

We don't need to remind you of all the health risks associated with smoking (heart attack, lung cancer, emphysema, and cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, kidney, and cervix), but here's one you might not have considered: money. Lots of it. The cost of one pack plus taxes averages $4.49, so if you smoke a pack a day, you're turning a whopping $1,639 a year into nothing but smoke, ashes, and nice black spots on your formerly pretty pink lungs.

Break it: Ask your doctor about drugs that can help kick-start your quitting process and help you combat cravings and withdrawal. For instance, Zyban, an antidepressant, helps reduce psychological withdrawal symptoms such as frustration, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. Chantix blocks the effects of nicotine on your brain, which helps reduce cravings. According to a study, 44% of smokers were able to quit after 12 weeks using Chantix, and another study showed that Zyban was nearly twice as effective as a nicotine patch in helping smokers quit.

11 biggest health sins

5) Bad habit: Sun Worshipping

Blame it on Coco Chanel—before she returned golden brown from a Mediterranean vacation in the 1920s, pale skin was in. But until the Morticia Addams look comes back in style, stick to self-tanning lotion: The sun's UV rays damage your skin's DNA, increasing your risk of skin cancer (not to mention sunspots, sagging skin, and wrinkles). In fact, as much as 90% of wrinkles, brown spots, and sagging are caused by sun damage, according to the American Skin Association.

Break it: Wear sunscreen daily on the parts of your body that are exposed to the sun, even during winter. The skin cancer foundation recommends applying 1 ounce of SPF 15 sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside on a typical day, and then reapply every 2 hours. If you're spending the day outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat and cover exposed skin with clothing, preferably with built-in sunscreen.

6 easy-to-use sunscreens

Reference :

27 December 2009

Hidden Skype Emoticons, Smileys

Hidden Skype Emoticons, Smileys

Did you know that Skype have hidden emoticons? No! Below is a list of the all hidden emoticons that I know and use chatting with my friends.

How to use hidden emoticons? Actually it is pretty simple – you just need to enter the smiley code while chatting with your friends – for example type ‘(drunk)’ to display smiley who have had couple beers :)

Say it quickly with an emoticon

With a single emoticon you can let people know exactly how you feel. From a smiley face when you’re happy, to the thumbs up emoticon when you agree with something. There are dozens of emoticons to choose from, and we even have a few special naughty emoticons as well – use them wisely...

Emoticon shortcuts

There are lots of emotions and smileys to choose from – happy or sad faces, little dances, and a few *cough* naughty ones as well.

  • :) :-)
  • :( :-(
  • :D :-D
  • 8)
  • :o
  • ;(
  • (sweat)
  • :|
  • :*
  • :P
  • :$
  • :^)
  • |-)
  • |(
  • (inlove)
  • ;)
  • ]:)
  • (talk)
  • (yawn)
  • (puke)
  • (doh)
  • :@
  • (wasntme)
  • (party)
  • :S
  • (mm)
  • 8-|
  • :X
  • (hi)
  • (call)
  • (devil)
  • (angel)
  • (envy)
  • (wait)
  • (makeup)
  • (chuckle)
  • (clap)
  • (think)
  • (emo)
  • (rofl)
  • (whew)
  • (happy)
  • (nod)
  • (shake)
  • (smirk)
  • (punch)
  • (bow)
  • (hug)
  • (y)
  • (n)
  • (handshake)
  • (skype)
  • (L)
  • (u)
  • (e)
  • (F)
  • (rain)
  • (sun)
  • (o)
  • (music)
  • (~)
  • (mp)
  • (coffee)
  • (pizza)
  • (cash)
  • (muscle)
  • (^)
  • (beer)
  • (d)
  • (dance)
  • (ninja)
  • (*)

Hidden Flag Emoticons

Skype also includes about 237 flag emoticons, representing the different national flags of just about every country and nation.

To use these hidden flags, you need to type the following code:


Where XX should be replaced with the code of the country whose flag you want to display. For example, (flag:us) will display an American flag, (flag:ca) a Canadian flag and so on.

(flag:AF) Afghanistan

(flag:AL) Albania, People's Socialist Republic of

(flag:DZ) Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of

(flag:AS) American Samoa

(flag:AD) Andorra, Principality of

(flag:AO) Angola, Republic of

(flag:AI) Anguilla

(flag:AQ) Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)

(flag:AG) Antigua and Barbuda

(flag:AR) Argentina, Argentine Republic

(flag:AM) Armenia

(flag:AW) Aruba

(flag:AU) Australia, Commonwealth of

(flag:AT) Austria, Republic of

(flag:AZ) Azerbaijan, Republic of

(flag:BS) Bahamas, Commonwealth of the

(flag:BH) Bahrain, Kingdom of

(flag:BD) Bangladesh, People's Republic of

(flag:BB) Barbados

(flag:BY) Belarus

(flag:BE) Belgium, Kingdom of

(flag:BZ) Belize

(flag:BJ) Benin (was Dahomey), People's Republic of

(flag:BM) Bermuda

(flag:BT) Bhutan, Kingdom of

(flag:BO) Bolivia, Republic of

(flag:BA) Bosnia and Herzegovina

(flag:BW) Botswana, Republic of

(flag:BR) Brazil, Federative Republic of

(flag:IO) British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)

(flag:VG) British Virgin Islands

(flag:BN) Brunei Darussalam

(flag:BG) Bulgaria, People's Republic of

(flag:BF) Burkina Faso (was Upper Volta)

(flag:BI) Burundi, Republic of

(flag:KH) Cambodia, Kingdom of (was Khmer Republic/Kampuchea, Democratic)

(flag:CM) Cameroon, United Republic of

(flag:CA) Canada

(flag:CV) Cape Verde, Republic of

(flag:KY) Cayman Islands

(flag:CF) Central African Republic

(flag:TD) Chad, Republic of

(flag:CL) Chile, Republic of

(flag:CN) China, People's Republic of

(flag:CX) Christmas Island

(flag:CC) Cocos (Keeling) Islands

(flag:CO) Colombia, Republic of

(flag:KM) Comoros, Union of the

(flag:CD) Congo, Democratic Republic of (was Zaire)

(flag:CG) Congo, People's Republic of

(flag:CK) Cook Islands

(flag:CR) Costa Rica, Republic of

(flag:CI) Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the

(flag:CU) Cuba, Republic of

(flag:CY) Cyprus, Republic of

(flag:CZ) Czech Republic

(flag:DK) Denmark, Kingdom of

(flag:DJ) Djibouti, Republic of (was French Afars and Issas)

(flag:DM) Dominica, Commonwealth of

(flag:DO) Dominican Republic

(flag:EC) Ecuador, Republic of

(flag:EG) Egypt, Arab Republic of

(flag:SV) El Salvador, Republic of

(flag:GQ) Equatorial Guinea, Republic of

(flag:ER) Eritrea

(flag:EE) Estonia

(flag:ET) Ethiopia

(flag:FO) Faeroe Islands

(flag:FK) Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

(flag:FJ) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands

(flag:FI) Finland, Republic of

(flag:FR) France, French Republic

(flag:GF) French Guiana

(flag:PF) French Polynesia

(flag:TF) French Southern Territories

(flag:GA) Gabon, Gabonese Republic

(flag:GM) Gambia, Republic of the

(flag:GE) Georgia

(flag:DE) Germany

(flag:GH) Ghana, Republic of

(flag:GI) Gibraltar

(flag:GR) Greece, Hellenic Republic

(flag:GL) Greenland

(flag:GD) Grenada

(flag:GP) Guadaloupe

(flag:GU) Guam

(flag:GT) Guatemala, Republic of

(flag:GN) Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of

(flag:GW) Guinea-Bissau, Republic of (was Portuguese Guinea)

(flag:GY) Guyana, Republic of

(flag:HT) Haiti, Republic of

(flag:HM) Heard and McDonald Islands

(flag:VA) Holy See (Vatican City State)

(flag:HN) Honduras, Republic of

(flag:HK) Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China

(flag:HR) Hrvatska (Croatia)

(flag:HU) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic

(flag:IS) Iceland, Republic of

(flag:IN) India, Republic of

(flag:ID) Indonesia, Republic of

(flag:IR) Iran, Islamic Republic of

(flag:IQ) Iraq, Republic of

(flag:IE) Ireland

(flag:IL) Israel, State of

(flag:IT) Italy, Italian Republic

(flag:JM) Jamaica

(flag:JP) apan

(flag:JO) Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of

(flag:KZ) Kazakhstan, Republic of

(flag:KE) Kenya, Republic of

(flag:KI) Kiribati, Republic of (was Gilbert Islands)

(flag:KP) Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

(flag:KR) Korea, Republic of

(flag:KW) uwait, State of

(flag:KG) Kyrgyz Republic

(flag:LA) Lao People's Democratic Republic

(flag:LV) Latvia

(flag:LB) Lebanon, Lebanese Republic

(flag:LS) Lesotho, Kingdom of

(flag:LR) Liberia, Republic of

(flag:LY) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

(flag:LI) Liechtenstein, Principality of

(flag:LT) Lithuania

(flag:LU) Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of

(flag:MO) Macao, Special Administrative Region of China

(flag:MK) Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of

(flag:MG) Madagascar, Republic of

(flag:MW) Malawi, Republic of

(flag:MY) Malaysia

(flag:MV) Maldives, Republic of

(flag:ML) Mali, Republic of

(flag:MT) Malta, Republic of

(flag:MH) Marshall Islands

(flag:MQ) Martinique

(flag:MR) Mauritania, Islamic Republic of

(flag:MU) Mauritius

(flag:YT) Mayotte

(flag:MX) Mexico, United Mexican States

(flag:FM) Micronesia, Federated States of

(flag:MD) Moldova, Republic of

(flag:MC) Monaco, Principality of

(flag:MN) Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic

(flag:MS) Montserrat

(flag:MA) Morocco, Kingdom of

(flag:MZ) Mozambique, People's Republic of

(flag:MM) Myanmar (was Burma)

(flag:NA) Namibia

(flag:NR) Nauru, Republic of

(flag:NP) Nepal, Kingdom of

(flag:AN) Netherlands Antilles

(flag:NL) Netherlands, Kingdom of the

(flag:NC) New Caledonia

(flag:NZ) New Zealand

(flag:NI) Nicaragua, Republic of

(flag:NE) Niger, Republic of the

(flag:NG) Nigeria, Federal Republic of

(flag:NU) Niue, Republic of

(flag:NF) Norfolk Island

(flag:MP) Northern Mariana Islands

(flag:NO) Norway, Kingdom of

(flag:OM) Oman, Sultanate of (was Muscat and Oman)

(flag:PK) Pakistan, Islamic Republic of

(flag:PW) Palau

(flag:PS) Palestinian Territory, Occupied

(flag:PA) Panama, Republic of

(flag:PG) Papua New Guinea

(flag:PY) Paraguay, Republic of

(flag:PE) Peru, Republic of

(flag:PH) Philippines, Republic of the

(flag:PN) Pitcairn Island

(flag:PL) Poland, Polish People's Republic

(flag:PT) Portugal, Portuguese Republic

(flag:PR) Puerto Rico

(flag:QA) Qatar, State of

(flag:RE) Reunion

(flag:RO) Romania, Socialist Republic of

(flag:RU) Russian Federation

(flag:RW) Rwanda, Rwandese Republic

(flag:SH) St. Helena

(flag:KN) St. Kitts and Nevis

(flag:LC) St. Lucia

(flag:PM) St. Pierre and Miquelon

(flag:VC) St. Vincent and the Grenadines

(flag:WS) Samoa, Independent State of (was Western Samoa)

(flag:SM) San Marino, Republic of

(flag:ST) Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of

(flag:SA) Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of

(flag:SN) Senegal, Republic of

(flag:CS) Serbia and Montenegro

(flag:SC) Seychelles, Republic of

(flag:SL) Sierra Leone, Republic of

(flag:SG) Singapore, Republic of

(flag:SK) Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

(flag:SI) Slovenia

(flag:SB) Solomon Islands (was British Solomon Islands)

(flag:SO) Somalia, Somali Republic

(flag:ZA) South Africa, Republic of

(flag:GS) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

(flag:ES) Spain, Spanish State

(flag:LK) Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of (was Ceylon)

(flag:SD) Sudan, Democratic Republic of the

(flag:SR) Suriname, Republic of

(flag:SZ) Swaziland, Kingdom of

(flag:SE) Sweden, Kingdom of

(flag:CH) Switzerland, Swiss Confederation

(flag:SY) Syrian Arab Republic

(flag:TW) Taiwan, Province of China

(flag:TJ) Tajikistan

(flag:TZ) Tanzania, United Republic of

(flag:TH) Thailand, Kingdom of

(flag:TL) Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of

(flag:TG) Togo, Togolese Republic

(flag:TK) Tokelau (Tokelau Islands)

(flag:TO) Tonga, Kingdom of

(flag:TT) Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of

(flag:TN) Tunisia, Republic of

(flag:TR) Turkey, Republic of

(flag:TM) Turkmenistan

(flag:TC) Turks and Caicos Islands

(flag:TV) Tuvalu (was part of Gilbert & Ellice Islands)

(flag:VI) US Virgin Islands

(flag:UG) Uganda, Republic of

(flag:UA) Ukraine

(flag:AE) United Arab Emirates (was Trucial States)

(flag:GB) United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland

(flag:UM) United States Minor Outlying Islands

(flag:US) United States of America

(flag:UY) Uruguay, Eastern Republic of

(flag:UZ) Uzbekistan

(flag:VU) Vanuatu (was New Hebrides)

(flag:VE) Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of

(flag:VN) Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of (was Democratic Republic of & Republic of)

(flag:WF) Wallis and Futuna Islands

(flag:EH) Western Sahara (was Spanish Sahara)

(flag:YE) Yemen

(flag:ZM) Zambia, Republic of

(flag:ZW) Zimbabwe (was Southern Rhodesia)

14 December 2009

Salam.. sharing a well written article from a humble young woman .
Pls Fwd to other women too..

Women, respect yourself


Dec 7, 06 4:01pm

This is an open letter to all women. I would like to share my thoughts about being a woman. It is sad when we see women being treated like trash. But then again, let us answer truthfully - have we caused our own downfall?

Now, before I have a string of women affairs NGOs commenting on how backward people like me are, I have one simple question for them - do you lock your houses at night when you are away from home? You do, dont you - to prevent thieves and robbers from entering. Same for your cars. We lock and install expensive tracking and alarm systems to prevent theft. Prevention is better cure.

So why do people take offence when we ask women to dress decently as a preventive measure? Now dont give me stupid answers like women wearing the tudung and children also get raped. Because that is a stupid answer. Houses with full alarm systems and locked doors also get broken into but do we stop locking our doors? Do we stop taking precautions?

Let us be practical. Of course, decent dressing has different interpretations. A woman with a tudung but tight, figure-hugging kebaya and showing plenty of cleavage is not decent. And neither are those Britney Spears and Madonna wannabes we see at Jalan Bukit Bintang and the malls.

Why do I care about how these girls dress? Because it comes back to how women are perceived in society. When women dress skimpily to promote F1 racing for example, it lowers our dignity. When we do scandalous photo shoots, we lose respect as we are looked upon as sex objects.

If men are abusive towards certain women, it is because they do not respect women. When women voluntarily become mistresses with no sense of shame, men start looking at women lowly.

Remember the movie Fatal Attraction? The character by Glenn Close was the evil one. Moviegoers sympathised more with the character played by Michael Douglas. In a similar real life, people will still sympathise with the husband because the other woman is deemed a home wrecker with no sense of morals.

I believe the time has come for women to take stock of their lives. Please stand up and be counted. You do not need a man to make it in this world. You do not have to compromise your dignity by living with an abusive man. You do not have to allow sick men take nude shots of you, even if he is your husband, if you are not comfortable with it. I know of married men who show pictures of their wives in the nude for others to see.

First, you must have respect for yourself. Then earn respect from others through your intelligence and perseverance. If you are busy pulling down a skirt which is too short, do you think people will respect you? Try doing that and see what happens.

And if you keep trying to snare a rich man, especially if he is married, that doesnt bode well for us women who want to make it through hard work and our own strength. Get married only to men who respect you, not those who treat you as a sex object. Only when he respects you will it mean that he truly loves you.

Fathil @ Putra-7 ®™

Get Firefox!File:Opensuse 3.gif


07 December 2009

Demo by commandos of Maritime Squadron of Malaysian Army Special Operation Group 21

Demo by commandos of Maritime Squadron of Malaysian Army Special Operation Group 21


A man playing the role of a hostage is rescued by Maritime Squadron commandos of Malaysian Army Special Operation Group 21 during a demonstration to launch an expedition with their new Sealegs amphibious boats around the Malaysian peninsula, in Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur November 20, 2009. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad (MALAYSIA MILITARY SOCIETY)


Commandos of Maritime Squadron, Malaysian Army Special Operation Group 21, release smoke during a rescue demonstration to launch an expedition with their Sealegs amphibious boats around the Malaysia’s peninsula, in Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur November 20, 2009. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad (MALAYSIA)


A man playing the role of a hostage is rescued by Maritime Squadron commandos of Malaysian Army Special Operation Group 21 during a demonstration to launch an expedition with their new Sealegs amphibious boats around the Malaysian peninsula, in Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur November 20, 2009. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad (MALAYSIA MILITARY SOCIETY)

And below is us, on the amphibious boat, trying to look at the best…


Kuala Lumpur 20 November 2009 :

Kuala Lumpur 20 November 2009 : Members of the Malaysian commandos of Maritime Squadron of Special Operation Group 21 are lifted to a helicopter during a demonstration of their skills in Putrajaya, Malaysia, 20 November 2009. EPA

06 December 2009

Dua maut kereta terjunam dari parkir pasar raya

jatuh_mall2.jpg (400×225)

Dua maut kereta terjunam dari parkir pasar raya

06/12/2009 8:26pm

KOTA BAHARU 6 Dis. — Dua pelajar perempuan sebuah kolej kejururawatan Masterskill cawangan Kota Baharu maut manakala seorang lagi parah apabila sebuah kereta terjunam dari tingkat atas sebuah pasar raya KB Mall di sini.

Jurucakap polis yang mengesahkan perkara itu berkata berdasarkan laporan awal kejadian itu berlaku pada pukul 5.40 petang.

  FathilPutra-7 ®™ 

Get Firefox!File:Opensuse 3.gif

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Now you can and

Studies: Almost All Young Males Watch Porn, a Third of Both Genders are "Sexting"

A University of Montreal study looked at the porn watching habits of men. As the researchers could not find any 20 year old males who didn't watch porn, they focused on those who did. They found that men, both in relationships and single regularly watched porn. (Source: Alltop)

Another new study says that a third of people "sext" -- send explicit picture messages. Half of those who do it think its normal and healthy, while the others think it's sick, but do it anyhow. (Source: Gizmodo)
The sexual revolution continues with the help of the internet and modern technology

The "sexual revolution" began in the 1960s when oral contraceptives saw FDA approval for the first time, reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Since then society has struggled to keep up with a variety of sexual changes, such as growing acceptance of fetishes, alternate sexual orientations, and sexual entertainment.

Two new studies examine how technology has impacted the tail end of the sexual revolution, which is occurring today. The first, looks at the pornography viewing habits of males in their 20s. The study wanted to compare males who watched porn to those who didn't indulge. However, the researchers were unable to find a man who had not be exposed to pornography.

Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse a researcher at the University of Montreal and leader of the study, comments, "We started our research seeking men in their 20s who had never consumed pornography. We couldn't find any."

Undeterred, the researchers thrust ahead, and examined the habits of men who did watch pornography, which, as former presidential candidate Sarah Palin would say, was "all of them." Of the 20 heterosexual males who participated in the study, the average age for the first time viewing porn was 10 years old. Approximately 90 percent of the porn viewed, by the participants' estimations, came from online sources, while 10 percent came from old-fashioned adult entertainment stores.

There were slight differences between the viewing habits of single men and men in a relationship. Single men indulged for 40 minutes, three times a week, while those in relationships watched it 1.7 times a week for around 20 minutes. The study found that the porn did nothing to alter the men's sexual preferences, as they quickly discarded material they found offensive. Comments Professor Lajenesse, "Not one subject had a pathological sexuality. In fact, all of their sexual practices were quite conventional. Pornography hasn't changed their perception of women or their relationship, which they all want to be as harmonious and fulfilling as possible"

Another intriguing study was performed by MTV, who asked participants a variety of questions on the growing practice of "sexting" -- sending explicit pictures of oneself or others to friends or significant others. Of the participants, one third said they sexted at least once. Another interesting tidbit of information revealed by the study is that approximately 1 in 6 (17 percent) of those who received sexts forwarded them to someone else. Also interesting was that half of those who sexted thought the practice was normal and healthy, while the others found it disgusting and wrong, but for some reason were doing it anyways.

Those looking to jump on the emerging sexting sexual revolution should beware as they may find a sticky legal mess on their hands. Sexting with underage individuals, even if you are underage yourself can result in you being charged for sex offenses. Several teenage boys have been labeled as sex offenders, been kicked out of jobs and colleges, and found their futures destroyed after being caught sexting and charged.